Hey There!
Let's start at the beginning! As a child I was very free spirited and I loved (still do) looking at pictures. On the other hand, the thought of sitting still to read a book was my childhood nightmare, BUT the pictures fascinated me! Even though I mostly loved flipping though horse books, if the book was picture-less it was not worth my time. Also, it's the main reason that I'm still trying to finish the Harry Potter series at my age. Back to topic and skipping a few years ahead when I took my first film photography class, I was hooked! By my 16th birthday I begged my parents for a camera. I used a Rebel XS camera, when I first created Elise Juelich Photography (EJP).
I was having fun providing my friends with new profile pictures, and to be honest, I had little to no idea what I was doing. At this same time my obsession over horses slowly turned into a life long loving hobby. Now, years later, I know this is the career I want to pursue, because I have grown into who I am today thanks to this art form. Photography is my passion, and I hope to continue it for as long as I live.
Like most artist there is a piece of me in all of my work. I feel special every time I hit the shutter button, because it gives me the ability to freeze time by capturing distinct moments in an image. I get a rush of happiness, because the images I capture provide my clients, friends, and family with memories, happy or sad, that will last for decades. And who gets to have their career and hobby all together, I have to say I'm one lucky girl.
For those who have followed me for years, or just started, I wanted to say thank you so much for all of your support and I would love for you to keep following me. Hopefully, one day I will get the chance to capture your special moments.
More blog posts to come!
All the best,